Employment Opportunities
This page lists JOBS ONLY.
To post an INTERN/EXTERN/APPRENTICE_SHIP opportunity: click HERE
To post an employment opportunity:
1. Complete the AZVT Classifieds Request form [updated 3/2024]
2. DO NOT cut/paste into form fields, type in all information
3. Read ALL directives/info below
4. Email the form to: webmaster@azvt.org
- Currently AZVT does not charge to post a position. Help keep this service free - do not allow a post to expire, then resubmit the same ad shortly after. It is suggested to use a longer expiration date and request removal of the ad once filled. Thank you.
- Do not submit documents of job descriptions/summaries, links only. [See Classified Request form]
- A confirmation email is sent once the ad is posted.
- AZVT is an all volunteer organization, be prepared for a possible delay for postings to appear.
- AZVT reserves the right to reject ads.
IMPORTANT: Adobe products MUST be used to complete the Form (Reader, Acrobat) or the fields will not populate/save properly.
DO NOT use Microsoft products. {Check your browser settings, many default to non-Adobe programs}
To get the most recent version of Adobe.